Nanny Jobs Competing with Traditional Daycare Monopoly

Fifty years ago, most American mothers didn’t need to work jobs as we see them today. If they did, it was temporary; they were doing momentary fill-in work to tide the household over while the other half was between jobs or perhaps healing from an injury or disease, or to support the family while the husband was away serving in the military. It was never really expected that women would invest the time working away from growing children permanently, at a workplace or at a factory, much less at a high-flying corporate job.

Nanny Jobs
Future babysitter, my dear Addi by Kris Bradley fm Flickr

Today, of course, the picture is forever changed. As the American divorce rate continues to hover near 50%, it is apparent that women with children might at some point be single throughout their kid’s lives. Even if a couple stays together, most over age 25 are two-income families.

Affordable, reliable child care is still difficult to find, despite the obvious need.  More and more, working parents are finding huge percentages of their take-home pay absorbed by standard daycare. Moms and dads still find they have a challenge if a child falls ill, as most daycare centers require the parents find an alternative to their usual daycare until the child is well again.

Nanny Jobs Emerging as a Viable Alternative

America is well known for its flexible and entrepreneurial nature, and a substantial growth in both supply and demand for nanny jobs has been seen in recent years. Nannies can actually have more positive impact on children and with the home than would be typical of a babysitter, and it’s possible for a nanny to stay at home with children if they are ill. If the nanny job is a full-time, live-in position, the parents also have the additional advantage of always having childcare, even if emergencies arise, or over and above the nanny’s routinely scheduled hours of employment. Also, if the family is traveling together, the nanny is readily available to accompany them, providing that valuable level of care.

The nanny solution is giving standard daycare a run for its money. After doing the math, parents may find that it is in fact more cost-effective to work with a full-time nanny who can stay in the home and work over the summer and throughout vacations. The result is a more tranquil, less difficult, and therefore better, quality of life. A household with many, various aged children, for instance, will find the convenience of having all the children coming home directly after school, instead of having the parents picking them up from numerous age-based day care areas making their lives much easier and less stressful.

Naturally, we don’t expect that daycare centers will disappear overnight in favor of the nanny solution. They still provide a valuable service for many working moms and dads. Nevertheless, nanny positions will undoubtedly become more prevalent as parents search for alternative, sane, hassle-free, and safe solutions to the current standard day care monopoly. Nanny jobs, once believed to be a viable choice only among the most affluent classes of society, are finding themselves to be an affordable resolution to the challenges facing the middle and working classes.

Why You Should Opt for a Live-in Nanny

Having a live-in nanny can offer a vast array of helpful benefits, specifically for busy parents. Although nanny services are certainly available for employment on a part-time basis, such as just for weekends or for a number of days throughout the week, a full-time, live-in nanny works best for many as they weigh the alternatives. Here are some of the reasons you should consider when debating investing in a full-time nanny.

The most helpful benefit of a full-time, live-in nanny is they can be depended upon for last minute needs, such as a child’s illness or other unexpected events.  In any kind of emergency situation, a part-time nanny is frequently not readily available. If you have a dedicated nanny, they are available whenever the need arises.

Domestic Help Beyond Childcare

email cleaner by nabaday fm Flickr
email cleaner by nabaday fm Flickr

With a live-in nanny, she will act as your surrogate while you’re away for any reason and not with the children physically. They can also be a huge help with household chores while ensuring the safety and security of your home and children.  They can assist with other domestic duties like cooking, cleaning, and keeping schedules in order.

All parents have an ongoing concern for security of their children.  A full-time nanny provides just that; the comfort of knowing their children and home are being cared for by a reliable, familiar care-giver they know can be trusted to have their best interests at heart.  A part time nanny, while still a benefit to the family, would require the parents to maintain an exact schedule to allow their departure at a specific time each day, offering potential complications that a full-time nanny would not.

Having a full-time, live-in nanny allows parents to dedicate their time and focus to whatever outside tasks necessitate they be outside the home, confident that their home and children are cared for and safe.  There’s just no substitute for having a trustworthy nanny dedicated to your family.

A Worthy Investment

Of course, a full-time live-in nanny will require a more substantial salary than a part-time nanny, however, when weighed against the obvious benefits, many families find it a worthy investment and opt for a full-time nanny as their domestic solution.

A reliable, trusted stay-at-home nanny is a crucial family asset that impacts the well-being of the entire family. Today’s hectic schedules become more stress-free and easier to manage as parents can be confident that their home and loved ones are well cared for while they satisfy their outside obligations.

We are one of the premier Dallas Nanny Agencies that provide skilled, qualified nannies to families on an as-needed, part-time or full-time basis. Call us today at: (817) 442-0225 or Email: