Hiring a Nanny – Safety is Key

hiring nanny
If a family is in the process of hiring Nanny, one of the first questions a Nanny agency is asked concerns the child’s safety….especially with infants and newborns. How well do we know our Nannies? Has the Nanny hired cleared a background check for criminal history? Did you run her driving record? Can I talk with other families who worked with the Nanny? What kind of childcare training has she had? All are excellent questions and a good Nanny agency will be able to answer. We are not talking about scary online Nanny hiring, but agencies where the staff  personally knows the Nanny.

Screening the best Nanny before you hire her can be a long process, however knowing the answer to all those question is critical for a long time nurturing relationship with your children.

Now there is one more step that every parent should ask. Do you know the nanny’s digital history? Now an agency can have access to the Nanny candidate’s digital footprint. It is an amazingly through report and every family should request a digital screen. Nannies on the Go partnered with FAMA to run these reports and we learned so much more about our candidates. So I urge all parents to take the extra step with the hiring process. The Nanny pool is now a part of the social media generation and you can learn so much more. To use a tired but true phrase, “You can never be too safe when it comes to your children”.

Effective Safety Steps when Hiring a Nanny:

Screen The Nanny On The Phone –  for experience and allow half an hour for an Interview

Meet the Nanny In Person –  how does she react or interact with the children

Ask for References –  and call them. Prepare questions before talking to the other families

Run a Background check- This should include Social Security verification, Criminal History, both National and County, Sex Offender check and  a Drug screen if needed.

Vaccinations – Is the Nanny up to date on the most important shots?

Does the Nanny have any certifications? – You want to make sure the Nanny is up to date on her CPR and First Aid training. Often a career Nanny will have additional certifications because they are always excited about learning.

Digital Screening – This is an  excellent tool for all Nannies that are active in social Media. All  agencies do not have access to this report so shop for one that does. You will be happier and more confident with your decision.