Every day there is another story in the news of a young child drowning. Devastating. If you’ve had the experience of almost losing a child to drowning, you know that terrifying feeling. It can happen so quickly. An educated Nanny can help. Decades ago, we were the parents of three small children with a pool in our backyard. One of the children needed to be changed and as I ran in with the baby I shouted to my husband to watch the two year old who was in his tree fort way away from the pool. The NCAA finals were on, so my warning to my husband may have been a bit delayed in processing. He spotted my son a minute later in the bottom of the pool, but he was able to dive in and pull the boy out in time. We were so fortunate, but we were only seconds away for a tragedy. This incident happened so long ago but I can’t shake the memories.
Here are some safety tips we would like to share for the nanny world:
Parenting a toddler or child takes great precautions.